Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brazilian Wax Machine

Seeing is believing ,

Believe it to get there.

Dreaming is not believing,

Believing is not thinking.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Error In Gta Vc Unhandled

Hope So ... The blood of

Eternity is an anagram of embrace.

Henry Montherlant girls

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Milen Avelba Showing Bush


Reflexion on the original justification of the caste system before degradation of the Kali age, and so on orderly vision of these lessons ...
We try to see how one of varna - the group of warriors (Ksatria) led to a genetic cause specialization has adapted lessons, as shown in the phenomenon of gangs or carry weapons ....
But first, light recoil;
The whole material creation suffers the fascination of the three gunas . According to their respective nature, human beings are different body types, each with psycho-pshysiologiques characters of its own.

In general terms, society is divided into four groups, or varna , as determined by the specific influence of each of the gunas on its members placed on the leadership of pure virtue, they are the group of brahmanas ; under the auspices of the passion, the group of Kshatriyas; those who suffer from both the influences of passion and ignorance are the vaisiyas , and those entirely veiled ignorance Sudras.


Ye CAIV sattvika bhava
rajas tamas ca ye
matta evet tan viddhi
na tv aham TESU te mayi

Any state of "being, it is the virtue, passion, or ignorance, is a manifestation of my energy. This sense, I'm all, never, however, I lose my individuality. Understand as Gunas,-virtue, passion, ignorance-I'm not submissive.

In this sense it is interesting to wonder about the real justification of the system varna, which was directed towards the achievement of spiritual beings on a large scale, whatever their nature and origin of which they were from degradation prior to our own era of Kali dating back to -5000 years under these texts.
Each group saw themselves according to their predispositions transmit a form of knowledge, adapted to their senses and their mind. The original reason for the division of the Vedas by Srila Vasudeva, as expressed in the Srimad Baghavatan was on the approach to the age of Kali, with the growing ignorance among the mass of men, had to know specialize so that all can attain Mukti , the liberation from the material. So he compiled the Rig-Veda ("Knowledge of the stanzas), the Yajur-Veda (" Knowledge of sacrificial formulas "), the Sama-Veda (" Knowledge of melodies "), the Atharva-Veda (" Knowledge of Atharva, "the name of a family of priests).
The Sudras and vaisavas that dominate the characters of passion and ignorance (Gunas) and could make payment in a form of devotional service to the Supreme Principle, appointed by Sri Krshna which means also this term structural power, beyond a simple superior identity. They are accessed through the recitation of mantras that conveys the power of the Word, which explains the importance of oral tradition and disciple ( Parampara) and also the prophecy in the age of Kali, the writing general help to remove the Man of true knowledge, in this sense, then, a more complete and learning for everyone.

The brahmanas or priests, with the advent of the Kali age and symptoms described in the Srimad Baghavatam (written in supplements and to unify 'the Vedas in this dark age, memory loss, increased disease pressure and the influence of sensory, physical, family), indulged more difficult to extended meditations and withdrawals in forests or mountains. The sanyasis, the perfect renouncers became much rarer. However, temples or other sacred places, and the study of Vedanta could allow them access to a high degree of spiritual realization. Also the recitation of mantras and devotional service was fundamental in practice and the necessity of their status.

The Ksatria finally gained access to knowledge by understanding how they should not falter in front of their duty, whether external or internal, like the battle of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, a genuine metaphor of synchronicities and positive relationships between these two fights.

It says so in the religious law books;
ahavesu MITHO 'nyonyam jighamsanto mahiksita
yuddhamanah param satya svargam yanty aparanmukhah
yajnesu pasavo Brahman Hanya satatam dvijaih
samsktrah kila mantras ca te' pi svargam avapnuvan

''Just as a brahmana can rise to the planets Eden featuring animals in the sacrificial fire, a king Ksatria can make an enemy combatant envious. ''

Whoever in the v- arnasrama Dharma belongs to the second varna whose members have the function of administering the state according to the true principles and to protect others against any difficulties were called to Ksatryasm KSAT: prejudice and trayate: protect. Formerly, he learned to fight in the forest where he had to fight a tiger, and armed with a sword, face it. Once killed, the tiger was cremated like royalty. Even today, one can see Ksatria Jaipur perform those rites.

Finally, note that this division applies only to men, because women are in these teachings, subject to the same learning styles the vaisiyas.

Why attach such importance to this division, and these principles?

The increase in crime and gang phenomenon is a recent phenomenon and widespread. In light of certain scientific studies, it is possible to see if it is a''normal''reaction to the established order, according to an education received, or if these features are actually included in each, at birth.

This would not mean that the system of v arnas must be replaced because this is not the case and it was written in the Vedas. But that accredit somehow a symptom of the age of kali described in Srimad Baghavatam: the widespread abandonment of Dharma own or the role of everyone in the world and by its nature, and therefore, theory of the ages.

ScienceDaily (June 8, 2009) - Boys who are a particular variation of the gene for monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the "warrior gene"; are Premire, to reach not only troops but also to be among the more violent and use weapons, according to a new study from the State University of Florida is the first to confirm a link MAOA specifically for troops and guns.
Results apply only to males. The girls with the same variant of the MAOA gene appears resistant to its effects on potentially violent gang membership and use of weapon.

While troops were typically regarded as a sociological phenomenon, our research shows that variations of a specific gene MAOA, known as the 'warrior gene''said a researcher laureate who co-edited over 50 papers published on the support of the biosocial criminal behavior. It states:

''Previous research has linked variants of MAOA activity reduced to a range of antisocial behavior, even violent, but our study confirms that these variants may provide the gang membership, "he said."

Moreover, we found that variants of this gene could distinguish gang members who were willing to behave violently and use weapons of gang members'
The MAOA gene affects levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are associated with mood and behavior, and these variations are related to violence are hereditary. Some previous studies have found the "gene" from warrior to be more common in cultures that are characterized by war and aggression. "

What is interesting about the MAOA gene is its location on the X-chromosome, "Beaver said." Consequently, males who have one X and one Y-chromosome- chromosome, have only one copy of this gene, while females, who have two X-chromosomes carry two. Thus, if a male has an allele (variant) for the MAOA gene that is linked to violence, there is not another copy for the counter. Females, by contrast, have two copies, so even if they have a risk allele, they have others that can compensate. That's why most research has MAOA concentrated on males, and probably why the effect of MAOA has for the most part, only found in males. "The new study examined data from DNA and lifestyle information from over Respondents to the 2500 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Beaver and colleagues from universities in the state of Florida, Iowa and St. Louis have detailed their findings in a paper in the journal Psychiatry complete .

So there are segments of population responding to other stimuli, stress, learning and education: those who carry the gene MAOA, and who, if educated patriots, will turn to the army and the troops, if modest family and in the street, about gangs and organized members.

That is enough to at least question our current education system, and the validity of those of old, notament on what seems so unfair to some, the status of women in these philosophies . Is not it unfair to contrast, with regard to these discoveries, not to consider the natural differences peculiar to each?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gay Pick Up At Parks In San Francisco


I object to violence because when it appears to produce good, the property that results is only temporary, while evil is permanent product

From The Young India, Gandi