Friday, October 30, 2009

Circle Mensuration Problems


The courtesan takes off her clothes, her body
Stripper, smitten by emotion,
Devoille and the object of her lovers,
That sharpens the apprentice to the wind of passion

And the apprentice sees good standing Assisi
For the lesson that teaches women
In wild man himself, escapes, and bleeds
one gaping wound that breaks the same standing.

Not her, does she not see?
The apprentice believes have the curves of her body
Between valleys and mountain regiments its strongest
stop at this distance that the flesh can not fill

She asks to know his own answer,
If tie hurts when one is divided,
demeurre If a petal of the rose undivided
If the plural of the flower will emerge brambles

He said the words of silence
Try to answer what he does not know
Stealth enjoyer of what does not have
This is not an apprentice who teaches the meaning

As life teaches sense
That sense teach life
The apprentice has the apprentice think
Not to possess the courtesan leaking.


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