Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Exchange 2007 554 Sorry, Message Looks Like Spam

0077 The bad blood ROY

This play is offered from Monday,
on all Belgian screens and should make a "tobacco" in the international press:

Act 1

The king has granted two weeks reflection (respite).
He returned this weekend and nightmares to reapply.

Two major questions arise for him for some time: 1) Can it continue to sink ................. until the removal ????????????

2) Does he accept to lose a bit of panache and deal with the lawyer??
Unless, of course, that the dismissal is already endorsed.

This would not, of course, a good news for the king.

He would not have the option of choice ........
last straw for authority, so far, supreme.

The coffee will be he a great help, as his advisers have not been up to.
Unless, of course, have been completely deaf to their warnings.

Act 2

The king does not know which way to turn.

All resolutely turn their backs, too.

And if he tried to take people through feelings!!

But of course, how was there not thought of earlier??

the beautiful Queen Astrid Astrid, her mother, so loved by his subjects, and if removed early in life!

What was said was done.

And the next day, the press was there to see all Albert cry crocodile tears, her body (perhaps tears of the crocodile's body).

But the Angel Astrid, very angry, and ordered him sent Albert to make the stolen children, then, to do penance!!

Since then, nothing manages everything goes from bad to worse for the king, deposed in a future very, very close.

This mule royal bum certainly will end, before finishing in Hell. Definitely!


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